
Can you get shorter by lifting weights?

Can you get shorter by lifting weights? Let’s start the week with exploring a question that stops many of us teens from going to the gym. Our parents believe this, our elders believe this but it is extremely painful to know that even some physical trainers and weight loss specialists believe in it. So, let’s answer this in one word, FALSE. Yes, it is absolutely false that weight lifting at a young age stunts growth and interferes with growth patterns of the body. The Theory Our body’s height is regulated by many factors, genetics being the ruling one. If your genes have the ability to grow till 5 feet, believe me nothing can make it grow or retard. So, if you are going to lift weights, it won’t stunt your height, it will only grow to your genes potential. Also thinking that jumping and stretching and hanging from a bar would increase your height, these would only aid in height growth but growth would be according to our genes. Our bones have certain plates

Know your body’s worth

   Know your body’s worth My purpose behind this new blog is to give a fresh start to my goal in life, to impart quality health education and to learn from everyone. Rates of health epidemics such as obesity and diabetes is soaring high, our lifestyle is degrading with time and we refuse to do anything about it. Health is our very first priority and we are nothing without it, everybody’s first goal is to earn more and more money, and behind this foolish race we leave our health behind. Remember this, no amount of money and fun would save your ailing body, NO AMOUNT. I am not telling you to mindlessly eat healthy, go to the gym without any will or change your lifestyle even if you don’t want to. What i want you to do is to understand the worth of your mental and physical health, understand how productive you can be, how healthy and happy you can be. So, let’s make a deal, you promise to understand and take initiative, and i promise to dedicate myself to learn and